Wireless Power and Data Transmission

A contactless transmission of energy and data means a gain in reliability, security, availability and comfort for a large number of applications.

Advantages and applications

For a wide variety of applications, the contactless transmission of energy and data not only increases reliability, safety and availability but also significantly improves comfort.

For the acceptance of electric mobility in particular, comfort during charging is one of the determining factors. The innovative technology of contactless energy transmission provides completely new possibilities for this, such as the uncomplicated and automatic charging of vehicles at appropriate charging stations without plugs with sufficient power and high efficiency. This can also be done bidirectionally, as was successfully demonstrated in the collaborative research project FEEDBACCAR.

But contactless systems can also be used for the transmission of energy and data in many other areas of application, such as mechanical engineering, production systems, interchangeable tools, medical technology, process measurement technology, automotive engineering or in the household and office sectors.

Design and realisation

The ifak has been successfully researching and developing this topic for almost 20 years in numerous basic and application-oriented projects. The work is especially characterized by application-oriented tasks.

In addition to numerous feasibility studies and the development of prototypes for a wide variety of applications, extensive research and development projects are currently being carried out in areas such as electromobility, aviation and medical technology, as well as for the computer-aided design and optimisation process.

For the design and implementation of contactless systems, the simulation of magnetic components and the required power electronics, the development of hardware and software as well as safety and EMC issues play an important role.


Through intensive cooperation with KONTENDA GmbH and other industrial partners, the development results achieved can be quickly and successfully translated into product solutions. The company KONTENDA, which was founded in 2007 on the basis of the company network of the same name, develops and sells combined energy and data transmission systems in the small and medium power range for industrial applications.