The MBT Creator (Model-Based Test Creator) is a tool that supports all steps of a model-based test process - from mapping of requirement to the generation and execution of test cases. It includes a modern editor for modelling requirements as well as specification models as UML state machine or petri net. A special feature of the MBTCreator is the fully automated test generation based on requirement models. These are combined via an intelligent algorithm of model synthesis to a specification model in which all functional aspects are combined. The model thus created is then used for the generation of test cases. An integration of further tools from third party providers for test generation (Conformiq, SpecExplorer, etc.) is also possible on customer request. The MBT Creator currently supports the following features:
- Editor for modelling formalized requirements
- Model synthesis based on formalized requirements
- Editor for modelling specification models
- Import of UML state machines from IBM Rhapsody
- Test generation based on specification models
- Execution of UML state machines
- Test execution
System requirements
The MBT Creator is available for current Linux distributions and Windows 10 (x64 bit).