V2X Monitoring System

As part of the VERONIKA project, public transport priority at traffic lights is to be implemented in Kassel. The University of Kassel intends to install radio stations (Road Side Units) at selected junctions in the city area. These units communicate with their counterparts (on-board units) in buses and trams via the new Car2X (also: V2X) and IEEE 802.11p standards. Among other things, the registration of an authorized vehicle at a traffic light and feedback messages are planned.

The ifak supports this project as part of a subcontract with specially developed monitoring modules and corresponding software. This allows to examine the data traffic and to find optimal positions for the radio stations at the beginning. In addition, the correct message sequence can be verified and communication failures can be detected. Portable radio modules are developed for this purpose, which are connected via mobile radio or Wi-Fi to terminal devices such as mobile phones or PCs and present the desired information to the user in a graphical user interface.