IPv6 potential analysis

Today the Ethernet-based communication systems play an important role in networking of industrial auto­mation components. Providing information on networking processes across different sites, remote mainte­nance and the close integration of business and production processes are typically applications. The Internet Protocol (IP) is an integral component in Ethernet-based industrial communication systems. In many appli­cations and use case scenarios the IP, actual in Version 4 (IPv4), will be used.

Within this potential analysis the advantages and potentials of IPv6 integration are Ethernet based automa­tion systems were analyzed. Among other things the technical features of IPv6 like auto address configu­ration, efficiently routing with flow label, mobileIPv6 and the IT-Security protection measures are evaluated according to the usage in industrial automation systems.

Furthermore the reduction and optimization of administrative efforts in production plants, the enhancement of plant availability and the possible increase of performance properties in special real-time network seg­ments are discussed. With the almost infinite address space and the new protocol features there are enough reserves for new use-cases according to industrial automation. Also IPv6 has the potential for development of new business models (internet of things, cyber physical systems, cloud computing) and operates like an innovation driver.