
IBATOUR - Intelligentes Betriebsgelände für Autonomie in Transport, Organisation und Umschlag via Routenzüge

Logistics and mobility on industrial sites in Germany are characterized by a lack of drivers and rising costs. Both of these factors jeopardize the competitiveness of companies, especially at locations in coal-mining regions, which are particularly affected by demographic change. Autonomous transport and handling systems can counteract these developments with their data-based innovations. To date, no such solutions exist for the outdoor areas of companies.

A key objective of the new IBATOUR project launched at ifak is the implementation of automated transport and handling of goods and people using a tugger train. To this end, an operations control center with open interfaces for remote monitoring and control of tugger trains is being developed and the infrastructure of the AGCO Hohenmölsen GmbH factory site is being upgraded to an intelligent factory site. Innovations to be contributed by ifak include sensor-based V2X communication technology with real-time data integration and transmission.

In addition to AGCO and ifak, other partners in the project are Dögel GmbH, Wegard Trail GmbH, Innok Robotics GmbH, FIAtec GmbH, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and the Chair of Logistics at Otto von Guericke University.

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV) via the mFUND innovation initiative, which has been supporting research and development projects for the mobility of the future since 2016.

The project will run from 1 November 2024 to 31 July 2027.