
International Alumni Expert Seminar „Potential impacts of climate change on reservoirs (dams) and canals and adaptation strategies - in Latin America“ in Panama

From 24 October to 30 October 2021, the International Alumni Expert Seminar "Potential impacts of climate change on reservoirs (dams) and canals and adaptation strategies - in Latin America" took place in Panama". The seminar was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and organised by the University of Siegen and the Technical University of Panama. A total of 24 experts from government organisations, companies and universities and research institutions from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Germany, France, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela participated in the seminar.

The aim of the seminar was to familiarise responsible municipalities, representatives from business, science, authorities and other stakeholders with various strategies and contexts of climate-related challenges in water management - such as possible impacts on single and multi-purpose dams - taking into account ecological aspects. The main topics of the seminar included:

  • Impacts of climate change and water quality requirements for drinking water reservoirs, water bodies and canals
  • Water quantity and water quality management
  • Water bodies upstream to downstream of the dam or canals - Alternative energy sources such as wave energy sources such as wave energy
  • Sediment management and use