
Project meeting EmKoI4.0 in Wetter and in Magdeburg

The aim of the EmKoI4.0 project is to provide methods and tools that support the research and development of convergent communication solutions across the life cycle of plants and industrial products. Two face-to-face meetings are held annually, one in Japan and one in Germany. After the German project partners travelled to Japan in May, the October project meeting took place last week first at the site of Demag Cranes & Components in Wetter and then at ifak in Magdeburg.

In addition to the project progress on the German side, the Japanese projects were also discussed. This includes the requirements of industrial applications, the possibilities of communication systems and also the challenges in developing virtual models of these units.

In the Demag Cranes laboratories, the Japanese guests also conducted experiments with equipment they had brought with them. The units are based on SRF technology, which is used to manage the resources of the communication system.

Two weeks earlier, Prof. Shiba from the University of Tohoku visited Germany and conducted experiments at ifak and Demag Cranes, including measuring the signal emitted by the 5G system.
